MaxMind CEO Mr. Gaurav Goel is visiting USA to help spread the word about MaxMind Abacus, Vedic Math & other Programs. LandMark MaxMind Education Inc., Master Franchisee For USA is conducting a series of Informational Seminars & Sessions in Tri-State Area. Leading Newspapers & Local…
Maxmind Abacus Competition MaxMind announces “International Online Abacus Competition” in association with “World Abacus Research Foundation” (WARF). Current competition will remain open for all the students of MaxMind in Top 10 countries.The winners will be declared as International Topper and Country Wise Topper. The results…
MaxMind is now launched in Casablanca , Morocco under the leadership of Mrs Hakima Madih. The normal operations will resume from 20th April 2012Mrs Hakima shall look after the Morocco Expansion Operations of MaxMind and shall appoint the network of franchisees under her.Entrepreneurs who are…
MaxMind launched its operations in South Africa in the month of May 2011.The South Africa territory shall be managed by Mrs Mariam Cassoojee. The operations shall be managed from Johannesburg. Currently three schools have expressed their interest in launching MaxMind Abacus program as a compulsory…