First Month – 10 Franchisee
Within first month of launching Handwriting Improvement course MaxMind has signed up 10 franchisees. Though the course is still under testing phase and there are…
Committee Formation
Following the MaxMind tradition of building in house R&D division for each course, a committee is formulated today for remodeling MaxWrite course more juicy, informative…
Level 6 Upgraded
The Abacus R&D division of MaxMind has upgraded the level 6 of its course. Though the books were beautifully designed in its previous version, we…
Online HomeWork and Exam
MaxMind in its drive for transforming the company to 100% technology driven, has leaped one step further by implementing online examination and scoring for kids.…
Indian Interstate Competition
An interstate competition of MaxMind Abacus students was held in Jalandhar, Punjab, Inaid. Students from all nearing states participated in this competition. interstate-competiton-india-punjab-jalandhar-2The students from…
Ranked 17th Company in India
In the summer of 2010 we were approached by India’s leading franchisee portal, which was conducting an All India Corporate Survey for the ranking all…
ISO Certification
Maxmind is now an ISO 9000:2008 company and with this comes huge list of benefits for its clients. Like everyone else we also thought that…
Abacus Competition 2017 GOA
MaxMind is organising Internation Abacus Competition 2017 in Goa on 26th Jan ’17, in Association with WARF (World Abacus Research Foundation). Earlier this year WARF…
6 New Franchisee in Turkey
Our Country Master Franchisee for Turkey Mrs Sukran Ozer has taken the company to new heights in Turkey by registering its presence in 5 cities…