ISO Certification

December 8, 2020

Maxmind is now an ISO 9000:2008 company and with this comes huge list of benefits for its clients.

Like everyone else we also thought that it’s just a waste of time, effort & money to get this certification. Honestly speaking we were also scared of multiple changes which the world’s best ISO certification company (Australia based JAS-ANZ) was expecting from us to implement, but today we feel that it really works, we have learnt so much and improved a lot.

The following benefits we could get from this intensive staff training

To ensure top management commitment in ensuring quality, the main advantage of ISO is that they check the quality of the product during the process and not at the end

Now we realise how correct it was when we were told that ISO is a term that’s been compared to “The Good Housekeeping Seal of Approval.”

It really assures that services are delivered by meeting well-defined standards of quality and consistency.

Important ISO Verification Link: Joint Accreditation System of Australia and New Zealand